# of watchers: 11
| D20: 12 |
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Friendly: | 0 |
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James turns back to Bekah and smiled, "I'm James the hot one out of me and my twin." He gestered to MAx who looked just like him
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara shrugged. "Nothing much is new,"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: aly, "you and the rest decided to get into trouble even if its minor lyra doesnt do it"
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Sounds fun."
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah laughs again at James's statement, "Sure you are."
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara rolled her eyes
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded, "I am can't you tell?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius shrugs a little, "It's part of who I am I can't help it" he says then leaves and goes to his dorm
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Aly shrugged and sat back down.
Lyra sighed as she sat quietly looking up at the sky.
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah rolled her eyes, "Oh yeah, deffently.. So whats your power?"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: [max, the twins should have different powers.. :/]
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: [Well James is also a wis and I think I know what else to give Max]
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: [better xD]
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "Me and my brother can turn in to wolves and I'm also a wizard."
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius goes to his dorm and lays down, frowning
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "Oh really? Then Mr. Wizard, what spells can you cast?"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra headed to her dorm room which happened to be across from Sirius' "good going lyra..."
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded, "Of course."
Max smiled at Akara, "Lets skip class."
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "Okay^^"Akara smiled back
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius frowns and takes out his wand then smirks as he uses a spell that makes James grow pig ears and a tail
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "maybe he wouldnt be so bad" she smiled.
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: bekah smiles, "care to show me whatcha got?" she asked James..suddenl
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James jumped as a pig tail and ears grew on him, "Shit Sirius." He pulled out his wand and made them go away.
Max tooked her and and walked out of the room, "What you wanna do?" God it's been so long since I last saw her and she got so much hgotter.
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius chuckles and puts his wand away, wishing he could be there to see James' new look
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "I dunno, anything," You, Akara giggled, glad he couldn't read her thoughts
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and rolled his eyes, "Wate rember how last time you saw me I could only change to a wolf and not do anything else?"
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "Yep. What else can you do?"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "Hmmm i wonder which dorm is his"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked back at Sirus, then at James, "Am i the only non wizard here?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius twirls his wand around making some flowers appear
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles and steals Siris's wand with her mind, poofing it to her.
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James rolled his eyes and flicked his wand making Sirus flowers tun in to snakes
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max pulled her hand, "Come on I'll show you." God only touching her hand sends shivers up me.
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra finds out and then knocks on Sirius' door.
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara smiled and held hid hand tightly as they walked
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius jumps a foot and drops the snakes, moving as far away from them as he can and shaking a little, having a deep fear of snakes, he looks at the door, "c-c-come in..."
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled at her over his sholder and walked to the woods were he rooled up his sleve, "Ready?"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah laughed, now playing with SIrius's wand, "hmm i wonder what i can do with this.." she tried it.. nothing.. "Shoot" she looks disapointed.
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra walks in the uses her powers to turn the snakes into gummy snakes, "there ^^"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah made the snakes disapere once they hit the shadows..."dou
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara nods
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled making a black flam go up his arm
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius glares and grabs his wand back from Bekah, "You never take a wizard's wand away" he says then frowns when the gummy snakes disapear, "Damnit wanted those"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled conjuring up a box of gummy snakes handing them to Sirius, "Here ya go"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah made them reappere, "Fine.. sorry"
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara giggled and made a cute little ball of flame dance in her palm
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: [I guess i'm off, see you tomorrow <3 night]
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: MAx laughed, "SO mines like black."
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius puts his wand in his back pocket then smiles back at Lyra, "Wow thanks"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nods, "welcome...sor
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara stuck her tongue out
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max laughed making his go away
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara's flame vanished
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max rolled his eyes, "I thoght that would impress you but no you have to do it to?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles softly, "It's ok I understand, you don't want to get involved with...well someone like me"
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "Well, yours is black^^"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back, "oh kinda but i dont fit in well i wouldnt want to alienate you from your friends"
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "It is, wow did I tell you how much you changed?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius frowns a little, "How come you don't fit in?"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "booksmart, dean's daughter, ive never gotten in trouble or done anything wrong though mainly its because im the dean's daughter"
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "No you didn't. I changed?" Akara blushes
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and looked her up and down than meaning to talk in his head he yalked out loud, "Hotter, shirt did I say that out loud?"
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara O.O "Yes Max, yes you did say that out loud."
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "I can fix that for you"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles back, "How so?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Teach you how to cause trouble of course"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "why?"
2009-07-21 [Fallen Child Athena]: ~wonders around the school~
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "It's fun"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles back, "ok then"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "If that is you want to"
2009-07-21 [Fallen Child Athena]: ~heads of to bed~
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "Sure why not"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "What would you like to learn first?"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles back, "anything it doesnt matter"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius nods then thinks
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles.
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles back and lays on his bed, being sure to spread his legs slightly and show off to Lyra XD
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra blushes and turns around.
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius chuckles softly and smiles, grabbing his wand and muttering a spell then getting up and walking over with some fresh flowers in his hand as he gently taps her shoulder, "Lyra?"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra turns around and smiles back, "Yes Sirius?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius gently hands her the flowers, "Sorry"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra gently takes the flowers, "its ok" she keeps blushing.
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "I won't do it again'
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles back, "ive never been this close to anyone"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius tilts his head slightly, "What do you mean?"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra blushes, "yea this is going to sound dorky but you're the first person to show interest in me"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius frowns, "Really? Then I'm the only smart one here"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggled, "and funny"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "Well that's a given"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back, "so think of any trouble for me?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Possibly"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "what is it?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "We're startin out small...t.p'in the dean's house :D"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles back then drops her smile, "i cant tp my own home"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Why not? I did it all the time"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "its my father. i couldnt do that to him"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, "Alright alright you don't have to"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles and nods, "ok is there anything else?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Tp the school?"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggles, "sure"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles and starts lookin through his unpacked bags for some tp
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back, "you havent unpacked yet?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius looks over his shoulder, "Haven't had time, just got here about an hour ago then had class"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nods, "wanna unpack first?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Nah I can do that later"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggles and nods, "alright"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles and finally finds some rolls of tp, "Here they are"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles back, "alright lets do this"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius nods and hands her a few rolls
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra still looks uncertain about doing this, "so what first?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "Well we go outside, make sure the coast is clear, then throw it around everywhere and run for it"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles back and heads outside.
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius follows after her
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles, "alright lets do this then"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles back and nods, forgetting to make sure the coast is clear as he starts tpin the school
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: lyra giggles and starts helping him.
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "See it's fun huh"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles back, "yea a little"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "You don't like it?"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "Im still getting used to this...remembe
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "Hang around with me kid and you'll be a pro in no time" he says then stops throwing tp, "Crap..." he says, seeing the dean walking out
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra squeak, "Daddy?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius quickly acts innocent and starts for the doors
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah sat outside on the front stoops..
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra follows after Sirius smiling at her father as they walked by then waved to Bekah, "hi ^^"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks up to see Sirius making a run for it, and seeing the Dean coming out of the side doors, furious..
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra quickly followed Sirius.
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked back over to the Dean, he was completely unaware that his daughter was the tp-er and was now looking for someone who was. Bekah didnt feel like getting into trouble so she started to sneak away, sleanking for the nearest shadow and vanishing before she was framed..
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: sirius chuckles, "That dumb dean'll never figure out who did it :D" he says smugly
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah ran through the shadows, suddenly steping out into the bright sun and running into Sirius..
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "oh i do hope he doesnt"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smirks, "He won't trust me he ain't smart enou--" he starts then winces when Bekah runs into him
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra jumps, "Sirius you ok?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius nods and moves away from Bekah then gets up, dusting himself off, "Yeah"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles, "Good"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "Oh, sorry.." she looks around, checking if they are clear from the Dean, "Because of you two, i had to flee also."
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra frowns, "sorry"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius chuckles, "That's your own fault, shouldnt've been outside during a prank"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles, "Its cool, yet, I would have Never of thought you, Dean's lil' princess, would ever do something like that.."
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah,"....eve
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra frowns more when she says Dean's lil' princess, "just because im his daughter doesnt mean anything..."
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah nods, "yeah, and you'd be the last to get blamed for anything you do.." Bekah smiled, "Which is prolly why you'd be the best prankster.." she complemented..
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius growls slightly when Bekah calls Lyra 'dean's lil' princess', "You've got to start out small with beginers"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nods and smiled back, "Really? and yea it was his idea"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius nods a little and looks around, quickly getting bored
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah nods and smiles, ignoring the slight growl from Sirius, "Oh yes, he'd never think any prank was from you...which is why Me, and the rest of us pranksters need to be..more cautious." Bekah noted, "But i dont have to worrie, i'm the master of getting away.." she smirked, Slipping into the shadows and vanishing for a moment, then reappering behind Lyra, "Hello." she grinned.
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nodded then jumped, "somethin up sirius?"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked up to Sirius, wondering the same thing..
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius looks over at the two and smiles at Lyra then smirks at Bekah, "No just getting bores listening to this so called 'master'"
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back and giggled, "be nice sirius"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah glared at him before appering beside him, "You got a problem?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smirks at Bekah, clearly not impressed, "Your no master" [sirius is an ass :D but a loveable one ^^]
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: [ahaha ^^ Yeah i realised, perhaps, Bekah and sirius could become friends someday and be prank buddies but for now, they can despise each other..:P] Bekah smirks back, clearly not caring what he thought, "And you're even less.."
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra rolled her eyes at the two.
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius rolls his eyes, "Keep telling yourself that"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah took a step back and smirked, "I will if you will.."
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "calm it you two"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah ignored her and kept glaring at Sirius waiting for his responce..
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra shook her head and decided to go and enjoy the silence of the courtyard pulling out a book.
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius shakes his head at Bekah, "I'm not gonna argue with you...your not even orth my time" he says then follows after Lyra
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra looked up, "Hey Sirius"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "Yeah? and you're not worth hers.." she mumbled loud enough for him to hear , and started walking the opposite direction..
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles at Lyra, "Hey wanna go get so--" he stops and frowns, hearing Bekah, she's right...Lyra deserves better then this
2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back then dropped her smile, "whats wrong?"
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah walks alone, and enters the woods..
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Nothing...I'l
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah turned and stepped into a shadow, and entered the courtyard..
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: [Again baby you wrote 'Akara O.O "Yes Max, yes you did say that out loud."']
Max blushed, "Oh ummm."
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "You seriously think I'm hot?" Akara blushes furiously
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah walked past Lyra and into the school, bumping into James, "Oh! ..Hi again"
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded turning reder.
James smiled at her, "Hello."
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "Wow,"Damn, I must still be asleep..
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: [Max, i hope you dont mind but i found a wolf pict for james]
Bekah smiles back at him, "Whats up?"
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: [Oh I didn't knotice that but it's fine thanks^^]
James shrugged, "Looking for my less hot brother what about you."
Max blushed deep red and looked down
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah rolled her eyes but couldnt help but smile, "I'm bord outta my mind, want some help finding him?" she asked
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "Max.."Akara blushed
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded, "Thanks."
Max blushed, "Ummm I should go find James." He started to turn away
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles at James, "So..where do you think he is..?" she asked...
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "..I think you're hit too,"And I've always loved you...
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "I'm not sire, were ever Akara is."
Max truned to her blushing, he opened his mouth to say something but insted kissed her
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "Oh well.. that should be easy.." she said, "we can search my way.." she smiled, and grabed his hand, sinking into the shadows..
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara kissed him back, a few tears falling down her cheeks. How many years have I been waiting for this...
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James jumped surprised and looked at Bekah
Max wraped his arms around her moving closer
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah laughed and lead him through the shadows..
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara kissed him deeply
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: bekah finally found them, only she and james could see them and hear them but Max or Akara couldnt see nor hear her or James, "Oh!.. found him.."
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James, "Oh wow."
Max kissed her back opening his mouth and pushing his tounge on her lips
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: bekah looked up at James, "We're in the shadow realm, and we we're looking for Max, and now we're spying on Max.." she confirmed..sti
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara's lips parted to welcome Max's tongue
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James laughed, "Oh god, I always thought they would." He started laughing
Max pushed his tongue in and pussed closer to him
2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara swirled her tongue with his and wrapped her arms behind his neck
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiled and rolled her eyes, leading him away. "Yeah ..come on.."
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius sighs and shrugs a little then shifts to his dog form, that girls right...I need to stop thinking about Lyra, she's way too good for me...wonder what James is up to
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James fallowed her laughing.
Max pulled away panting, "Sorry I need air."
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles and enters a random room, instantly spotting the black dog.. "Whats with the dog?"
2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James let go of her hand, "Hey sirius, whats wrong?"
Max smiled back blushing
2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah sits on the bed.." Thats Sirius?"
2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius looks at Bekah and growls slightly before going to James and wagging his tail a little, lightly nuzzling his pants
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